Sustainability and Aging in Place

by Louis on June 11, 2010

Sustainability is pretty good buzz now. What is it? “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
image and definition from Wikipedia

How does that relate to Aging in Place? In terms of homes, Aging in Place is about updating and maintaining your home so it is in good shape working for you over a long period. A few points:

1. The materials are maintained so they provide long lasting value – not rotting away.

2. The whole is updated so it meets your needs, your home, your decisions, your dignity. This uncompromising approach means getting really good use from the resources at your disposal.

3. The maintained and updated home will be good for future residents as well. Population aging means more people will need the features recommended for Aging in Place. This Universal Design approach is consistent with sustainability because economic viability is also a component. Your house is prepared for the market. (Economic)

4. The more specific bits of green building also have an impact for Aging in Place. Energy conservation shields residents from increasing energy costs. That helps preserve your ability to remain in your home with limited funds.

5. At the community level, a neighborhood where folks can walk or roll to the store and other activities is also a place where kids can walk or bike to the store. parents do not have to drive, getting them out to walk and enjoy their neighbors and reducing car use and the carbon footprint. For more see the lifelong communities project and design charette by the Atlanta Regional Commission.

Aging in Place and sustainability are tied. Adhering to these goals will result in stronger communities, better homes and greater control, choice, dignity for older Americans.

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Deb Young June 12, 2010 at 11:45 am

Great post! Thank you for highlighting how sustainability works hand in hand with aging in place! It really is about looking at the bigger picture.


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