Speaking in Memphis

by Louis on November 24, 2013

I was honored to address an audience in Memphis, Tennessee this week as the local Plough Foundation kicks off a thoughtful three part speaker series called An Aging Society: Meeting the Challenges. My keynote for the 200+ lunch guests was called Breaking New Ground: Rethinking Community Resources for Aging in Place. In addition to addressing longevity, Universal Design and the person/environment/tools relationships I listed Ten Action Tactics for Aging in Community, highlighting some new research insights about innovation. More about that to come.

A nice thing about a caring mid size community like Memphis is lots of community leaders from the public, private and not for profit sectors can gather in one place. A very nice thing about a private foundation like Plough taking a leadership role is their ability to study and select a point of view and role. They decide their agenda. I am grateful to the Plough foundation for the opportunity to focus on the topic in this way and work with them as they begin what I suspect will be a ground breaking program.

I hit Beale Street for good blues, ate great food and toured Graceland as well as catching this great sunset over the Mississippi.Memphis sunset

NEXT: I am working on a program for February’s Conference on Positive Aging by the Sarasota based Institute for the Ages.



{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Linda Gattas December 18, 2013 at 10:56 am

We are compiling data for a report. I was at your talk in Memphis and remembered your talk about the fact that seniors will be in numbers larger than young people in 2021. Could you possibly send me some data?


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