MetLife Mature Marketing Institute closes: Laurie said IT Best.

by Louis on June 5, 2013

As noted in my comment on Laurie Orlov‘s good piece on the closing of the MetLife Mature Marketing Institute, I have been trying to figure out just what to say. Thanks to Aging in Place Technology Watch for getting it right.

AND thanks and good luck to my dear friend  John Migliaccio. He was my first intellectual exposure to aging, when in the early 90s, he compared the weather and chaos theory to life in your fifties.

They’ll never get caught. They’re on a mission from God.

Also thanks to Sandy Timmerman and all the folks I got to work with at MMI as they supported me to express my vision  of where we will live and how we will be cared for in our future in the AiP 2.o Report.

John mIgI am sure John’s next gig will be a winner. In my experience, he always knows a bar that is still open, in every town.

It’s a hundred and six miles to Chicago, we’ve got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.

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Rogelio Hernandez July 3, 2018 at 3:42 pm

I´m creating a web site and BLOG to mexican caregivers, do you have articles, studies, surveys, statisticss or otrher data that could help?


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