DYNAMIC systems make Aging in Place work

by Louis on January 14, 2010

DYNAMIC 2 a : marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change

I always stress dynamic in describing the systems and services needed for Aging in Place.

Dynamic is important because our lives are always changing. This becomes more important as we are older and require assistance to get through our days and our lives. The services must match the needs as they rise and fall.

Assisted Living, the primary alternative to staying in your own home as your need for assistance grows is predicated on a comprehensive model. Everything that may be needed to match your stage is available at all times. If you don’t need it you don’t need to use it, BUT you do pay for it. Ah! Paying for things you don’t need? That’s called waste. In addition if your needs change beyond the stage serviced by a particular assisted living operation, you must move! Doesn’t sound like home to me.

Contrast to Aging in Place at home with DYNAMIC services. As your needs change- both growing and cycling with your health services are provided and withdrawn as needed. Dynamic! The services must match the needs as they rise and fall. You only get/pay for what you need! As your ‘stage’ changes the services grow more robust and regular. That is a model of efficiency. That is Aging in Place! That sounds like HOME!

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Hana Hammer January 18, 2010 at 3:39 am

This is an excellent way to evaluate all proposed Aging in Place modifications. The concept applies to the built environment,products and services.

Are solutions scalable? – Do they work now and can it work in the future?

Live Safe – Live Well!


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