
Aging in Place and Technology #5

October 8, 2008

The Dynamic Management System for Aging in Place Aging in Place is more human, financial and medical resource efficient because the Dynamic and Comprehensive Management System applies and withdraws resources as needed. In contrast, someone who has trouble bathing and moves to assisted living gets a roof, meals and a full range of services, including […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #4

October 6, 2008

Interactive Medical and Social Connections The next step in high technology and Aging in Place is interactive medical and social connection. Thinking of older citizens in rural locations help us understand how valuable this can be. It is time consuming, sometimes dangerous, often expensive and typically inconvenient for rural older folks to travel to a […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #3

October 2, 2008

Monitoring to Prevent Illness and Injury Two paths to preventing illness and injury are better self management and anticipating situations so we can avoid the consequences. Technology can play a significant role in avoiding consequences by monitoring conditions so appropriate interventions can be employed. Monitoring systems establish a baseline of behavior and condition from which […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #2

September 29, 2008

I view Aging in Place technology in five categories in addition to low tech technology which I consider the baseline and most economical way to invest. Low tech is my career focus and the point of the first posting in this series (Aging in Place and Technology #1). Alert SystemsMany folks are familiar with the […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #1

September 24, 2008

What is new? I have been to two conferences lately. I attended both with my great friend Jason Popko. Jason on the C&O canal towpath near my house We walked the floor of the annual AARP consumer show. Then we went to the International Federation on Aging Conference in Montreal. Montreal is a beautiful, fun […]

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Riding With the Radio Off

April 17, 2008

People use to think I was fit because I worked physically as a carpenter and not at a desk. That work is not exercise. I was not fit. A bike messenger might get exercise in their work, but if they are much of a cyclist they probably say they never get their heart rate up […]

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Manage the…..Flu?

January 28, 2008

What is my role as an Independent Living Strategist for a homeowner client? I empower them to make and implement decisions to support and maintain their independence. I do it for a living and for personal satisfaction. I’ve never had too much trouble getting paid. No need to talk about that. But I am not […]

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