
Aging in Place- Let's Make it Easy!

February 11, 2010

Working with the simple definition: Aging in Place is NOT being forced from your home due to a health crisis; we know that many folks who want to Age in Place are not able to do it. Families are frustrated because trying is too hard and the alternatives shame us. Almost anyone who has worked […]

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Universal Design in Clothing

February 4, 2010

I am very impressed with SOFT Clothing for All Children. It exemplifies the process and result of Universal Design. A need is recognized in a smaller part of the population and the solution is a benefit to all. No extra cost, just great ideas that advance the way things can be. My hat is off […]

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The Case for Telehealth

January 4, 2010

Telehealth is remote health care visits. The obvious use and value of telehealth is when the patient and health care professional cannot be in the same place. The clearest examples include a sailor on the high seas or the famous case of the physician in the arctic who diagnosed and treated her cancer for months […]

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Aging in Place Technology Status

December 17, 2009

Someone asked me to summarize the situation with Technology and Aging in Place. I share my Rambling reply: 1. There is a lot of interest and promise. PERS (lifeline) is the only thing making significant inroads to people’s homes. A few pill minders are also working. 2. The VA, using Health Buddy, is reaping benefits, […]

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‘Optional’ = ‘Never’

October 5, 2009

The word ‘optional‘ is kind of funny in Universal Design. In fact, it really doesn’t work. Almost no one chooses the accessibility items we advocate. Especially if there is an associated cost. Universal Design must be required, standard or strongly incentivized. NOT optional. Two points. One is that over time we find that Universal Design […]

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Report: ASHRA conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia

June 24, 2009

I am so glad I was honored with an invitation to speak at the Atlantic Seniors Housing Research Alliance conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada last month. This conference was the culmination of a five years study of the situation and conditions of senior hosuing and services in this part of Canada. Don Shiner, a […]

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Aging in Place Remodeling #1

June 12, 2009

Good friends visiting over the weekend told me excitedly that they are making Aging in Place modifications to their home. I told them what I always say in these cases. Please let me glance at the plans and make suggestions so I am not disappointed. I explained, gently, that many well meaning contractors don’t have […]

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Keynote in Canada….and more

May 22, 2009

I am looking forward to giving a keynote presentation at the Atlantic Seniors Housing Alliance conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia next week. My topic is “Technology for Aging in Place”. Yes, I will speak to low tech solutions like Home Modifications and Assistive Technology as well as high tech solutions like PERS, telehealth, environmental controls […]

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Low Cost, Low Tech FIRST please, Mr. Obama

December 3, 2008

As a carpenter and a long time advocate of simpler I generally check for the low tech solution first. Sometimes a nail or screwdriver is plenty. A nail gun or a power drill/driver is not needed. The tools costs less, the fastener costs less and the time to do it, the effort expended is much […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #6

October 10, 2008

Environmental Controls Environmental Control is my last entry in this series. The most recognized goals are comfort and energy savings. Common applications are lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning). For our purposes safety and supporting independence are the focus. Many household elements can be controlled remotely or automatically. They include safety, task and […]

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