home modifications

Aging in Place Remodeling #2

June 15, 2009

Since Aging in Place remodeling is pro-active – planning for an unknown future – the goals are not triggered by immediate needs like other remodeling projects. How do you decide when your project will do what you need it to do? Performance Standard #1. Of course you want it to be attractive. Performance Standard #2. […]

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Aging in Place Remodeling #1

June 12, 2009

Good friends visiting over the weekend told me excitedly that they are making Aging in Place modifications to their home. I told them what I always say in these cases. Please let me glance at the plans and make suggestions so I am not disappointed. I explained, gently, that many well meaning contractors don’t have […]

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Keynote in Canada….and more

May 22, 2009

I am looking forward to giving a keynote presentation at the Atlantic Seniors Housing Alliance conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia next week. My topic is “Technology for Aging in Place”. Yes, I will speak to low tech solutions like Home Modifications and Assistive Technology as well as high tech solutions like PERS, telehealth, environmental controls […]

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Dear Governor O'Malley (President Obama, Secretary Sebelius, etc.)

May 17, 2009

I sent a letter to my Governor, Martin O’Malley of Maryland last week. The subject – good ways to use the stimulus money – has been on my mind. I sent notes to Obama web sites during the transition. I am not sure who to reach and how. The essence is copied below. “I hope […]

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Grass Roots 2.0

January 30, 2009

The evolution of the web from dynamic information provider to interactive meeting place is called 2.0. Grass Roots 2.0 is a similar extension of social marketing and political advocacy to grass roots behavior. News articles on the web change throughout the day- dynamic, but often the comments are more revealing- interactive- people participating in the […]

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Low Cost, Low Tech FIRST please, Mr. Obama

December 3, 2008

As a carpenter and a long time advocate of simpler I generally check for the low tech solution first. Sometimes a nail or screwdriver is plenty. A nail gun or a power drill/driver is not needed. The tools costs less, the fastener costs less and the time to do it, the effort expended is much […]

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Aging in Place and Technology #6

October 10, 2008

Environmental Controls Environmental Control is my last entry in this series. The most recognized goals are comfort and energy savings. Common applications are lighting and HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning). For our purposes safety and supporting independence are the focus. Many household elements can be controlled remotely or automatically. They include safety, task and […]

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Riding With the Radio Off

April 17, 2008

People use to think I was fit because I worked physically as a carpenter and not at a desk. That work is not exercise. I was not fit. A bike messenger might get exercise in their work, but if they are much of a cyclist they probably say they never get their heart rate up […]

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Manage the…..Flu?

January 28, 2008

What is my role as an Independent Living Strategist for a homeowner client? I empower them to make and implement decisions to support and maintain their independence. I do it for a living and for personal satisfaction. I’ve never had too much trouble getting paid. No need to talk about that. But I am not […]

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Contrast in Design

January 24, 2008

I call for contrast between the bars and background in bathrooms I design. It is a good idea when the bars are easily visible. I also try to include contrast near the edge of the floor or between the wall and the floor. Less often I call for contrast at counter edges. As I have […]

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