home modifications

MetLife Aging in Place Report

September 13, 2010
Thumbnail image for MetLife Aging in Place Report

I am pleased and excited to announce Aging in Place 2.0, Rethinking Solutions to the Home Care Challenge,  a report from the MetLife Mature Marketing Institute. The report describes Aging in Place 2.0, the extension of current aging in place to the dynamic and collaborative housing and care system I have long advocated in this […]

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Good Advice from the Financial Advisor

September 12, 2010
Thumbnail image for Good Advice from the Financial Advisor

Rainy Sunday morning in the Washington, DC area. Great time to clear some of the piles on my desk. I came upon a Washington Post article I clipped a while ago. Michelle Singletary is a personal finance writer. I often think her writing is directed at folks younger than me, that I have missed all […]

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Aging in Place Remodeling- Basic Strategy

September 10, 2010
Thumbnail image for Aging in Place Remodeling- Basic Strategy

I met with a new client today. The project came through a new relationship with a successful contractor I have known for some years. Russ Glickman is adding an accessible remodeling focus, landed a great client and asked me along to put in my two cents. I really like working this way. It is a […]

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Aging in Place: The Questions

August 16, 2010
Thumbnail image for Aging in Place: The Questions

Maryann Haggerty‘s article, A Safe Home, Step by Step, from this Saturday’s Washington Post has me thinking. The article contains good details covering problems and solutions for Aging in Place in homes with stairs.* Stairs are often the culprit forcing folks to move from their house. Planning in advance of a health problem, a point […]

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Elevator – Yes, Access NO!

August 13, 2010
Thumbnail image for Elevator – Yes, Access NO!

We are staying in a very nice house at Kiawah Island, South Carolina. Kiawah is a beautiful place. We have come many times over the years. I taught my daughter to ride a bike here. This place means all the great things about a repeated family trip enjoying natural beauty. We rented a house with […]

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Aging in Place, ;-(, two steps backward?!

July 27, 2010

This week’s New York Times article, Cuts in Home Care Put Elderly and Disabled at Risk, makes it all too clear that policy makers do not yet understand that well managed care in individual homes saves money. How do we make the point? (1) Strength in numbers. (2) A complete package. Those providing in home […]

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Ramp Camp Report

July 6, 2010

I had a great group of kids this week. We worked hard in some serious heat, got down in the mud to clean the footing holes of rain after a thunderstorm, and got just a bit further than I expected. I am amazed at how kids meet and get to know each other so quickly, […]

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Aging in Place & Ramp Camp

June 28, 2010

I am leading ramp camp this week. I work with a group of high school kids who get community service credit for building an access ramp. In all the years past I have done this the client needed the ramp. The students/kids/campers learned to use power tools and learned about someone different than themselves and […]

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Falls Steal Dreams

June 14, 2010

Falls Steal Dreams. One minute you are happy. The next you are hurt, in pain, hospitalized, facing surgery, rehab, convalescence, exposure to infection, loss of conditioning, fear and the unknown. Is there anyone who does not want to avoid that? Falls are often life changing events. At how many funerals do people comment that the […]

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Sustainability and Aging in Place

June 11, 2010

Sustainability is pretty good buzz now. What is it? “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”image and definition from Wikipedia How does that relate to Aging in Place? In terms of homes, Aging in Place is about updating and […]

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