home modifications

Here it is: Boomers are Staying Put

August 17, 2011
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Here is a good report, Biggest Boomer Towns, by Forbes.com contributor and New Geography blogger Joel Kotkin discussing data showing that we boomers are planning to stay put in the suburbs. No surprise to me or most Aging in Place advocates. Not that many people really moved before, alluded to in the article, even though […]

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Is RoboCop Our Future?

June 9, 2011
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Or is the future already here? Part person. Part machine. Do bionic knees, hips, heart valves, and laser vision corrections make us all RoboCop? We can expect a plethora of techno bits to replace worn parts in the next few years. Where or when do we become RoboCop? Is it a line? Who draws the […]

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Home Modifications for Aging in Place-Risk & Return

April 8, 2011
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In light of recent statistics – a Harris Interactive poll,  stories in the Washington Post and elsewhere reporting how few Americans have significant savings and how many have essentially none at all, (though I am not sure we should be surprised…)

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Thumbnail image for New School

New School

April 1, 2011

They are rebuilding the schools in my area, Montgomery County, Md. They tear them down and start over fresh. These are suburban schools, not real old buildings. The catchment areas are not larger, yet they take these radical steps. The buildings are more energy efficient but that is not the impetus. They redo them because […]

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What should YOU do to Age in Place?

January 31, 2011
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I was recently in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada giving presentations to the Nova Scotia Home Builder’s Association and for a collaboration of the Nova Scotia Department of Seniors and an innovative local business, Home Safe Living. A question asked at the Nova Scotia Seniors program prompted this entry. “What do you want us to do?” […]

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Is Caregiving a Housing Issue?

January 23, 2011

In writing and thinking on Aging in Place I sometimes find valuable gems on my computer. I wrote the following article for the Washington Jewish Week a few years ago when I was on the board of the Jewish Council for the Aging. I think the points are still valid. This series is about housing.  […]

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Aging in Place- 5 Items for New Homes

October 29, 2010
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Iwas on a call today with some of the key Universal Design experts and advocates preparing for the special UD day planned by the 50+ Council for this year’s International Builder’s Show in Orlando January 12. It is a great and energetic group. UD is coming of age! During the call I looked up a […]

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Universal Design Summit- Great Time!

October 14, 2010
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I recently had the pleasure of attending Universal Design Summit 4 in St Louis jointly run by the Starkloff Institute and R.L. Mace Universal Design Institute (UDI). Thanks to Colleen Starkloff, Dick Duncan, and Leslie Young for working so hard to plan and pull off such a great event.

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Aging in Place, on Retirement TV

October 7, 2010
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I was a guest for a segment of Retirement Living TV‘s Taking Care Tuesday. They taped a bunch of segments with show host Joan Lunden. What a professional! She doesn’t miss a beat. What a pleasure. Who says work is not fun?

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Your Aging in Place Vision

September 19, 2010
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I had a nice chat with Laurie Orlov, Aging in Place Technology Guru. Laurie writes prolifically at Aging in Place Technology Watch. Our conversation covered personal stuff about our families and parents, our businesses and our passion for the changes we see in the near future. As I dropped her at Union Station I asked […]

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