home modifications

Silvers Summit/ Digital Health 2012

January 18, 2012
Thumbnail image for Silvers Summit/ Digital Health 2012

My how time flies!  I started to report on last week’s Silvers Summit at CES  (Consumer Electronics Show) by referring to my write up last year. Turns out the last one I wrote was two years ago! This was the first time I attended the Silvers Summit or CES. So, Can I write the same […]

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Silvers Summit in Las Vegas

January 9, 2012
Thumbnail image for Silvers Summit in Las Vegas

I am heading to Las Vegas to lead a panel at the Silvers Summit day of the annual Consumer Electronics Show. I am very excited because this is the first time the Silvers Summit is covering the issues of home and community. I put together what I know will be the very best panel of […]

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China Bound

October 2, 2011
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In what can only be called a real whirlwind  I am taking off for Beijing tomorrow. A new colleague, with whom I was planning to meet for the first time at the upcoming Leading Age conference, emailed from China last week urging me to make a quick trip. How can I say ‘no’? China, like […]

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Do you need copies?

September 27, 2011
Thumbnail image for Do you need copies?

In the early and mid nineties when I was the sole home modifications focused contractor in the DC area I used to ask this question when giving presentations to consumers and more traditional senior senior providers. I was drawing a comparison to home mods as an innovation akin to the advent of the xerox machine. […]

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Patrick Roden, AginginPlace.com

September 21, 2011
Thumbnail image for Patrick Roden,  AginginPlace.com

I have been meaning to write about my friend Patrick Roden for a while. Patrick is as dedicated as any of us to Aging in Place. He is a warm and gentle soul who leaves no doubt it is about dignity, choice and respect. His approach is different from mine (which is great) because his […]

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Universal Design in Cars

September 15, 2011
Thumbnail image for Universal Design in Cars

Universal Design means products that work for as many people as possible without special adaptation. Not everyone uses things in the same way. And you may want to use the same thing a bit differently this time than you did last time.  Universal Design means changes do not require expensive and permanent change. Whether it […]

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Cottages Followup- is Universal Design becoming prime time?

September 12, 2011
Thumbnail image for Cottages Followup- is Universal Design becoming prime time?

Hopefully the cottages project (see the September 8 entry) on which I am working is not so innovative. Hopefully it is just near the tipping point of mainstream. Here are two articles from Builder Online,  a general building world  magazine, speaking of Universal Design as the cutting edge and common new ground of the builder […]

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Good Headline, The Market’s not there, yet!

September 6, 2011
Thumbnail image for Good Headline, The Market’s not there, yet!

This Saturday’s Washington Post Real Estate Section has a very good article about accessible housing and the market. The writer, Sandra Fleishman, got the story right. I agree that the market is not there yet. There are lots of reasons. One is demonstrated by the photo in the article. It shows a sore ‘nose’ ‘ramp’ […]

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Action for Aging in Place

September 1, 2011
Thumbnail image for Action for Aging in Place

We act at two levels. Personal and Collectively. Take environmental issues for example. It is not enough to demand enforcement of the clean air act, we must also get rid of our fume belching cars and pay the extra fare and taxes for natural gas or hybrid buses, and bike lanes. Is this a version […]

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Validation from Objectivity

August 24, 2011
Thumbnail image for Validation from Objectivity

It feels great to be validated. We tell someone what we have been thinking and they agree. We read an article or attend a seminar and find few new ideas. Instead we find ideas similar to our own arranged from a fellow traveler’s perspective. Validation grounds us with the comfort that we are not out […]

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