home modifications

Disconnect! Financial Advice and Aging in Place

April 24, 2014
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Let’s get this straight. Your home is your biggest asset. “asset: noun  1. a useful and desirable thing or quality” So…….preparing your home to remain useful if mobility is reduced or as a safe place to get care is a good strategy for preserving this significant asset for anyone getting older. Right. Keeps you from […]

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Aging in Place on PBS, NPR

April 17, 2014
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Aspects of Aging in Place are covered by both PBS and NPR this week.  Here are the stories and links:

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10 Action Steps for Aging in Place in 2014

January 6, 2014
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End of the year, or is it the beginning? I’m bullish that Aging in Place will advance in 2014.  How can we get the ball rolling? We need an action agenda to manage our way to a better future.  Here is my 2014 list of Ten action steps business and community can follow to encourage […]

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Squatty Potty & Conventional Wisdom

October 8, 2013
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I‘m surprised I have the chance to write this.   I’ve written to be wary of conventional wisdom in Aging in Place Design. But I didn’t expect substantiation of my dislike of higher toilets.

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8 Things to Consider Before Remodeling to Age in Place

July 26, 2013
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I‘ve written another post for Next Avenue, PBS’s boomer website.

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How Good Design Helps Graceful Aging

June 24, 2013
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I use drug store reading glasses when the light is low, the type is small or the print to paper contrast poor. When the light is good I do not need the glasses. My ability to read has to do with my eyes but it is also a function of the other factors. The situation […]

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Remodeling Article on ‘Next Avenue’

April 17, 2013
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I hope you will agree “Why You Should Remodel to ‘Age in Place’ Now“ on PBS’s Next Avenue Website takes a different tack. I look forward to your comments on their website and mine. Thanks to editor Suzanne Gerber with whom I enjoyed working on the article and to Next Avenue President Judy Diaz for  making […]

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Sustainable Housing and Universal Design

February 25, 2013
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A recent Washington Post article describes a new passive design home. I’ve know the term passive design since my college days. It was one of the ‘low energy lifestyle’ ideas that lead me to the construction industry. Now this is called green building..and there is a Passive House Institute. The article explains that increased costs […]

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Well Said, Most E-Mailed

December 25, 2012
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Jane Brody’s New York Times Personal Health Column makes the point very well. Apparently it has resonance because it was yesterday’s most e-mailed. Staying Independent in Old Age, With a Little Help. May 2013 be the year we step up to the plate on this issues as individuals and a national family. Happy Holidays.

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DON’T miss Universal Design Summit 5

December 10, 2012
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From garage bands to prom themes getting the name right is impossible. From the Chevy Nova’s poor showing in Mexico (No VA means doesn’t go) to the bizarre switch from Datsun to Nissan name choosing has occupied too much time, energy and conversation. In my 20+ years in home modifications, Aging in Place and Universal […]

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