home modifications

Hope for 2008?

January 11, 2008

The Urban Institute’s report, “Housing in the Nations Capital 2007” is a breath of fresh air. The report starts in familiar territory describing affordability and homeless issues in the nation’s capital. Then this report heads into new territory. It extends it’s analysis first by exploring accessible housing availability. The report explains that this additional layer […]

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The Cost of Aging in Place

December 10, 2007

A New York Times article alerted me to a new study by the National Alliance for Caregiving and Evercare. This group’s research has documented the real costs of caregiving. Their work explains how business, industry government and community can save by helping caregivers with flexible schedule, information and other supports. The new report: Family Caregivers […]

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Advice from the Mouths of Babes?

November 21, 2007

Father of the Bride is one of my favorite movies. Steve Martin plays the dad. His daughter is just home from a European tour. It is clear these two have that special relationship reserved for loving dads and little girls. At dinner her first night home she announces plans to marry someone she met on […]

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Independent Living STRATEGY

November 15, 2007

I created the title Independent Living Strategy because I hoped independent living would describe what I do in a way that is attractive to people. That is opposed to home modifications which is not very catchy. The strategy part is not random. Another way to say strategy is, ‘more than one way to skin the […]

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Facing Our fears

November 5, 2007

A new study from Clarity co-sponsored by the EAR Foundation speaks very clearly to the critical issues older Americans face as they contemplate senior housing. Aging in Place is very important to 89% of the seniors surveyed. The ability to do so is a concern of 53%. Those numbers closely resemble widely reported AARP results […]

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Home Modifications add Value as they Fill the Gap

October 25, 2007

My dad retired at age 55 in 1975. He sold his business with a 17 year payout. He told me his plans saying, “I’ll have money until your mother and I are 72. Who lives past 72?” I remember the conversation clearly. I didn’t argue. Just thirty two years ago my father and I both […]

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Aging in Place is NOT for Everyone

September 25, 2007

There. I am on record. Aging in Place is not for everyone. I have never been reluctant to say it, but some readers might think I feel differently. Aging in Place should be one of the viable options. I am an advocate for Aging in Place, It is what I know best. I’ve studied what […]

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Gail Sheehy writes about Caregiving in Parade Magazine

September 10, 2007

Gail Sheehy does a great job highlighting caregiving issues in yesterday’s Parade Magazine. She cites important information about who is a caregiver, the value of caregiving, the cost to income and the cost to well being. The title of the article asks what we can do. I will add some answers to her good article. […]

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Home Modifications & Building Codes

September 5, 2007

Some things come up over and over. One issue I see too often is tension between those trying to make homes accessible and building code officials. There are really no special guidelines that cover residential access. Too often plan review or construction inspection officials see things about which they are unsure and resort to codes […]

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Independent Living Strategy

August 24, 2007

My foundation skill, developed over the past 19 years, is helping families and individuals make over their homes to better match their personal abilities and conditions, enabling them to live in their homes more easily. When I started down this path the idea seemed so good and obvious, especially in view of the booming senior […]

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