Aging in Place…. in NEW York!

by Louis on March 15, 2011

I don’t get to the city very often. I am going tomorrow for a great panel with some dear and wonderful colleagues. The Architectural Digest trade show associated with their annual home show is having an Aging in Place panel. The clever title is Designing for the ‘A’ Word.

I am honored to be on the panel with some great colleagues.

Mary Jo Peterson

Florence Perchuk

Rosemary Bakker

Eric Cohen

I will also attend a special Hafele Universal Design EXPERIENCE workshop led by Rosemary Bakker and Mary Jo Peterson Wednesday evening. I am quite sure this will be worth reporting!

I have even more meetings scheduled with business and non-profit leaders while I am in the city as well as dinner with good friends. It is going to be a busy, thought provoking and exciting trip.

I’ll let you know how it goes!

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Patrick Roden March 15, 2011 at 9:27 pm

Looking forward to your reporting back, Louis.

This is exciting…and what a mastermind opportunity!



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