
Aging in Place on PBS, NPR

April 17, 2014
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Aspects of Aging in Place are covered by both PBS and NPR this week.  Here are the stories and links:

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Long Term Care report from KPMG

February 3, 2014
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Thanks to my friend, colleague, sometime mentor Laurie Orlov of Aging in Place Technology Watch for pointing out this report from KPMG. An Uncertain Age: Re-imagining long term care in the 21st century speaks clearly to many issues on my mind. I copy a few highlights below.

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Amazon/Retail & Aging in Place

January 27, 2014
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A recent Washington Post wonkblog article Retail in the age of Amazon: Scenes from an industry running scared caught my attention because the retail/on line situation is close to the opposite of the aging in place/technology situation. While retailers are running scared, in home tech/monitoring are stuck in the starting blocks. Yet the future for […]

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10 Action Steps for Aging in Place in 2014

January 6, 2014
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End of the year, or is it the beginning? I’m bullish that Aging in Place will advance in 2014.  How can we get the ball rolling? We need an action agenda to manage our way to a better future.  Here is my 2014 list of Ten action steps business and community can follow to encourage […]

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#mHealth13, Aging in Place

December 15, 2013
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I got a lot out of this year’s mHealth conference. I skipped last year. That helped with a little perspective.  Two years ago mobile, new treatments and technology connecting to healthcare were the disruptive influences in mind. Now health care reform and readmissions penalties are more significant and real disruptions. Policy changes turned what was […]

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Assisted Living Nightmare? Guest OT Post

November 22, 2013
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The crash of the professional with the personal often informs us, makes us shake our heads and reinvigorates our passion. The importance of the  intersection of the individual, the environment and the tools available cannot be understated as older folks navigate (or are herded) through housing, care and safety alternatives. (I might have said choices […]

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Disruption is….

October 20, 2013
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Disruption is the size of the population of older citizens Disruption is the health of older folks living in community Disruption is the age of older folks living in community

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Labor Day & Aging in Place

September 3, 2013
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My Labor Day thoughts turned to caregivers. We know how important they are to caring for our loved ones in our homes, in their homes or in housing facilities. We know they are often so appreciated as they ‘join’ our families for critical, emotionally charged portions of our lives. Yet despite shortages, care workers are […]

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Aging in Place is Summer Camp

July 9, 2013
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Some of us don’t see that regulation is the playing field. The combination of rules, subsidies and incentives is the reality in which business works and competes.  Nothing in our time is bigger than the changing healthcare landscape. Business as usual is over. You can’t ignore it…you have to shift when changes occurs. Those who […]

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How Good Design Helps Graceful Aging

June 24, 2013
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I use drug store reading glasses when the light is low, the type is small or the print to paper contrast poor. When the light is good I do not need the glasses. My ability to read has to do with my eyes but it is also a function of the other factors. The situation […]

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