boomer marketing

Forward HO!

March 7, 2018
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I have been writing the Aging in Place Ideas blog for over 10 years. Awareness of  aging in place has blossomed. The breadth of stakeholders that should be interested is starting to be recognized.  We now have evidence about what works and why to direct our energies. From this, my focus has evolved to building […]

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The Say/Do Gap

August 8, 2017
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87% of Americans want to Age in Place. This repeatedly confirmed and often cited data is behind nearly every article on the older people demographic, caring for our families, preserving social security, medicare and the healthcare system or the market for home remodeling and monitoring technologies. It is, frankly, the rationale for the last 20+ […]

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Tax Day…for Home Updates?

April 18, 2017
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This is not quite a guest blog because writer Susan Kimmel is my partner in crime and vice president of HomesRenewedâ„¢. Tax Day is upon us with it’s headaches and stress of filling out all that paperwork – but the good news is that over 2/3 of Americans will be receiving a tax refund. The […]

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Aging in Place Holiday Gift

December 23, 2016
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My dear friend and colleague Patrick Roden, PhD. just put out his list of Aging in Place Influencers for 2016. I want to make an important addition at the top of the list. I nominate Dr. Patrick Roden. There is no more dedicated and passionate advocate.

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The Big Problem & Paths to Solution

February 3, 2016
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What is the biggest challenge America faces regarding aging? Housing and caring for the growing number of older Americans. Finances, transportation in urban, rural and suburban situations, isolation and attitudes about aging cannot be ignored but if we solve the big problem, Where can older people live with choice, dignity and control as health changes and […]

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The Future (& history) of Housing /AARP

December 7, 2015
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I spent two days immersed in the AARP/ AARP Foundation /Atlantic Live event called the #FutureofHousing. Experts galore. Friends and new faces. Everyone passionate. Housing has huge problems. Demographics and growing income disparity make things worse. Yet things do change. I am bullish on what will come out of this. Most important? We were THERE!

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Why not use Behavioral Economics?

February 20, 2015
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Not being an economist I never really thought people act rationally. I don’t. I don’t know anyone who does. Most people go with their gut…otherwise we would all buy the same stuff, take the same vacations. That doesn’t mean we can’t know about buying patterns and decisions. The newish field of Behavioral Economics gets a […]

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But do they know the territory?

December 8, 2014
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I was entranced by The Music Man as a kid. The story is great. The music is wonderful. I love the opening scene with the ‘clickety clackety’ of salesmen rhythmically complaining about a guy who “doesn’t know the territory”. I was reminded of it the other day talking to two entrepreneurs at an Aging 2pint0 […]

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Where will boomers live? Harvard says…

September 8, 2014
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Where will boomers live? The new report by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies and the AARP Foundation says we will live in owner occupied single family homes. Not all but way more than any other housing category. This groundbreaking report corroborates what Aging in Place advocates have known all along. Now we have […]

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Finally!! Wall Street Journal on Long Term Care!

June 18, 2014
Thumbnail image for Finally!!  Wall Street Journal on Long Term Care!

Should we really get excited that a Wall Street Journal columnist is finally noticing the long term care situation? David Blumenthal’s blog: It’s Time to Face the Long-Term-Care Dilemma is a pretty good effort. I would say it is long past time, but this is a start. He describes the size of the problem, the […]

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