Back from a whirlwind trip. IÂ had a great time. I was the honored guests of many wonderful people.I am surely not the first to say that China is a study in contrasts. Ancient vs ultra modern, ultra urban vs ultra rural, totally traditional and unsophisticated vs highest tech. Aging housing, care, products and services is far from high tech. I met with folks in retail, real estate, housing & service delivery and academia. There is so much to do. Folks may have heard of Universal Design but there is very little of it employed or understood, even/especially in building for seniors. There is real interest in the idea of Aging in Place but very little clarity about what it means.
There is way more to come. I hope to do some consulting and have some influence. The need, like everything in China is enormous. No half measures there.
Possibly most unexpected is that observing in China has given me some fresh insights on the situation here. More to come on that too.