Aging in Place and Technology #5

by Louis on October 8, 2008

The Dynamic Management System for Aging in Place

Aging in Place is more human, financial and medical resource efficient because the Dynamic and Comprehensive Management System applies and withdraws resources as needed. In contrast, someone who has trouble bathing and moves to assisted living gets a roof, meals and a full range of services, including many they do not need. They learn to do less on their own. That is not efficient.

Bringing bathing assistance to the client continues to use their personal or family system for meals and other activities of daily living as well as their house, keeps them active and engaged and in CONTROL of their choices. It uses fewer resources. A dynamic management system can order additional help when you are ill or recovering and cancel that help when you are better. Service use rises and falls a number of times over years. That matches health as we get older. That system, based on monitoring and information coupled with comprehensive, coordinated, competent and trustworthy services is the crux of Aging in Place efficiency.

The ‘Just in Time” aspect of the management system uses familiar technology. UPS or Federal Express deliveries are recorded on line in real time. A handheld wireless device takes notes that are available instantly. A similar device, the bathing assistant’s remote timecard in the above example also records “there is only a little milk left” or “the special soap we are using for her skin condition is almost out”. The rapid uplink gets the information to a service coordinator or directly to the appropriate provider. Most important – the service or product gets to the client.

The technology is not futuristic. Is the business and agency network up to the challenge? The gloom and doom from analysts and the fear and misery from older folks and families should serve as a wake up call to spur us to the Age in Place solutions and system we need.

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motoapk hihi April 22, 2017 at 10:42 pm

Thank you for your blog.Really thank you! Really Cool.


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